Some images throughout my life have been so powerful that they have motivated me towards obtaining my different goals throughout my life - There is a great deal of beauty in nature and I am very thankful for having grown up in Forest Hills and had the Forest Hills Gardens as my Central studio all of my life:
Although I may sometimes wonder what motivates individuals to pursue the careers that they have chosen for themselves and then found it also interesting to see how they develop from that starting point - it also interests me as to what motivates people to view any one of my images -
Although there are stats that are associated with this particular image that indicate how many people have seen it in the galleries where it is posted - there are perhaps many other people than are indicated that have seen this image on different blogs or even simply posted on facebook or sokule without clicking on it to then go to the gallery where it is located and so it is just about impossible to know how many people have actually seen this image -
This then tells me that there is really no way of knowing how many people may have been positively influenced by seeing this image and whether or not seeing it has any effect on anyone's life or not -
Here I would like to share with you some ideas on the
The possibilities here are endless or at least able to be continued by each individual during their entire lifetime and perhaps if a person's ideas live on in the products of their work - much further that their individual lifetime - sometimes effecting countless lives - or perhaps even entire societies - what think you?
just as the blossoms of the cherry tree are very fragile and beautiful when the show up in the spring - so is the kindness that Vicki has shown to me and that I sincerely felt when she not only expressed a willingness to work on this blog together with me but also expressed such great enthusiasm for this project - and since the word debt is sometimes utilized to express a feeling of gratitude - I therefore chose to include that in the title of this blog- :-)
This and the series of images created from the original drawing which I did with colored pencil on a Japanese Rice board is perhaps the most important piece I have done because of all of the emotions that I poured into it while I was creating it and even before as well as after I completed the original drawing-
Here is an interview that I did with another artist about this piece and the series that was created from it:
After reading many books on different businesses and the developments that they have gone through from when they were first started and on into their later years - many times it seems that things became - both for the businesses and the people who created them - much more complicated that they were to start -
This type of development in my own life and businesses is something that I would very much like to prevent and so at any one point in time I look at myself and think in a way that leaves me with the mind that I am just beginning -
I am, for example, in the very beginning stage of the beginning of this blog, which I am creating together with Vicki - and I wish to express my desire to keep each moment during this creation as simple and uncomplicated as is possible -
Now I would like to know what thoughts come to mind when you read this Vicki?
Well yesterday I did a great deal of walking or trudging through piles of snow and long stretches of barely plowed streets here in Forest Hills, New York which is feeling the effects of this great amount of snow which has fallen - a little late for the exact day of Christmas - but at least there is a nice effect for the season in the air - but that is not why I posted this image above -
The story about this image that I placed above is that I have been looking at and enjoying the decorations that are put up on this little tree for quite a number of years but this is the first time I had a chance to stop by the tree in such a perfectly fallen fresh snow drift and take a picture that would do this tree justice - and needless to say I am very happy with the results of my long awaited chance to capture this tree in this manner with this amount of snow dressing it up -
But what does this have to do with social media and networking - well my point is is that although there was nothing that would seem to be stopping me from taking the time to photograph this tree during any of the previous years since I first noticed how beautifully it has been so carefully decorated - for whatever reason -the time never struck be as being quite right until this specific snow fall that blanketed Forest Hills this past weekend right after Christmas and this is the same thing that does happen very often with people as well - they may see you - say high - maybe even not acknowledge that they know that you exist when you pass them in the street but sometime in the future - maybe days - weeks - months and perhaps years may pass before anything happens and then all of a sudden you are approached by a person who wants to talk with you - perhaps because they know of the type of work that you do and they are looking for just such a person as yourself -
This happens to me all of the time in fact one lady did approach me yesterday for just such an occasion that she wants me to photograph for and to think that I passed her by accident yesterday while I was handing out my business cards on the way to photograph this little tree - you never know who will want what service you have to offer and when they will want to utilize it -
and here is a brief video of me describing my handing out my cards for the "Doubling Project" in a location where I often go to in Manhattan since there are people from all over the world traveling to this specific location -
Hello friends who have landed and joined and have chosen to follow this blog or simply stop by once in a while is to create and arena where both Vicki Elam and myself may blog together and so the threads that I begin and we both continue to elaborate on shall start with a post but then the remainder of the threads shall be posted as comments - for now this is how I understand that this is a good and easy method to set this up and carry it through and so this is what I have chosen to do along with Vicki's agreement and so I hope that we both can go into debt and explore our connection here and elsewhere on the Internet - If either one of use posts something that needs to be adjusted I hope that we may be able to correct those specific posts and remain as flexible as possible - thank you for your interest!!!