12-27-2010IMG_7916A by Walter Paul Bebirian
Well yesterday I did a great deal of walking or trudging through piles of snow and long stretches of barely plowed streets here in Forest Hills, New York which is feeling the effects of this great amount of snow which has fallen - a little late for the exact day of Christmas - but at least there is a nice effect for the season in the air - but that is not why I posted this image above -
The story about this image that I placed above is that I have been looking at and enjoying the decorations that are put up on this little tree for quite a number of years but this is the first time I had a chance to stop by the tree in such a perfectly fallen fresh snow drift and take a picture that would do this tree justice - and needless to say I am very happy with the results of my long awaited chance to capture this tree in this manner with this amount of snow dressing it up -
But what does this have to do with social media and networking - well my point is is that although there was nothing that would seem to be stopping me from taking the time to photograph this tree during any of the previous years since I first noticed how beautifully it has been so carefully decorated - for whatever reason -the time never struck be as being quite right until this specific snow fall that blanketed Forest Hills this past weekend right after Christmas and this is the same thing that does happen very often with people as well - they may see you - say high - maybe even not acknowledge that they know that you exist when you pass them in the street but sometime in the future - maybe days - weeks - months and perhaps years may pass before anything happens and then all of a sudden you are approached by a person who wants to talk with you - perhaps because they know of the type of work that you do and they are looking for just such a person as yourself -
This happens to me all of the time in fact one lady did approach me yesterday for just such an occasion that she wants me to photograph for and to think that I passed her by accident yesterday while I was handing out my business cards on the way to photograph this little tree - you never know who will want what service you have to offer and when they will want to utilize it -
and here is a brief video of me describing my handing out my cards for the "Doubling Project" in a location where I often go to in Manhattan since there are people from all over the world traveling to this specific location -
Wow, this picture is stunning!! I just love it and I've been watching the news and seeing the huge amounts of snow you all have out there.
ReplyDeleteSeems you were at the right place for networking, thats what I call it. Everywhere you go you have the opportunity to meet people, network and talk about social media. The two actually go hand in hand as one is face to face networking and the other online networking. We have a chance every time we step out the door to strike up conversations and meet new people. I always carry business cards with me as you never know what may come from that simple form of marketing yourself. And Facebook has opened many doors for me which I'm almost certainly wouldn't have happened if I had never opened an account there. That is how you and I met, on Facebook. Now isn't that the power of social media :=)
yes - however I would like to mention that in 1992 when I created my first business card with my "Self Portrait" on it - way before my entrance into the online world - I created my "Doubling Project":
and when I am describing my handing out my business cards I am referring to my "Doubling Project" which I have been working on since 1992 - of course there is a great deal of growth that has taken place since I first won my main website in 2000 - since I began putting up my art images in my galleries and then with the addition of the different networking groups I have joined whether it is RYZE - LinkedIN - facebook Twitter - Myspace -Sokule and whatever other sites that I introduce my information and work on including blogs such as this ------my "Doubling Project" continues to grow -
Awesome! And I must say I enjoyed your video and hearing your voice. I feel like I know you now although really looking forward to the day we actually meet in person. Now that would make for a great moment in time eh ;-)
ReplyDeletemeeting in person would be nice but I am not sure when or under what circumstances that might happen - right now I would like to know what my next major post will be and I am not sure which direction to go in - there are so many - wait I think I have an idea - I will show you a little bit about my town - where I grew up and still live -